Class Enrollment

Class Registration
Neonatal Resuscitation Program Provider Course
Date/Time: Sat 5/24/2025 at 1:00 PM
Location: Chula Vista
Class Price: $169.00
NRP Course Outline


PRE-REQUISITE: All students are required to take the onine test before coming in for your skills check off.

Please review the link below from the AAP:


At the end of the course the learner will be able to:

1. Integrate the major changes in the 2020 AAP/AHA Emergency Cardiovascular Care Guidelines for NRP in their own clinical practice
2. Recognize that the most important concept in NRP is the ventilation of the neonates lungs
3. Follow the NRP algorithm using the primary and secondary assessment using the systematic ABCD method which are opening the Airway, checking for Breathing, Checking for circulation, and administration of Drugs
4. Recognize the difference between primary and secondary apnea
5. Use the Apgar score concept without waiting for the first minute and determine the need for immediate resuscitation
6. Identify newborns that are high risk and as such would need to be resuscitated at birth which are pre-term newborns, Intra Uterine Growth Retardation , Large for Gestational Age, Meconium stained, Repeat C-Sections, complicated deliveries
7. Understand the physiologic changes that occur during the labor, birth and transition period of the newborn
8. Know the similarities and differences between the flow inflating bag and self-inflating bag and T-piece resuscitators for ventilation
9. Decide if resuscitation needs to be initiated and provide the initial steps
10. Decide when to give positive pressure breathing
11. Evaluate the success of PPV
12. Decide when chest compressions need to be initiated
13. Coordinate chest compression with PPV
14. Decide when to stop chest compressions
15. Assist in Endotracheal intubation
16. List the indications for Endotracheal intubation
17. Determine correct placement of Endotracheal Tube
18. Recognize the Laryngeal Mask Airway as an alternative to ET tube placement
19. List medications used during resuscitation
20. Recognize alternatives to IV access for administration of medications during resuscitation i.e., Intraosseous route
21. List the indication, dosage, route of administration of Epinephrine
22. Recognize special situations that complicate resuscitation i.e., Pulmonary Hypertension, Pneumonia, Metabolic Acidosis, Hypotension, Seizures or Apnea, Hypoglycemia, Hypothermia
23. Recognize the importance of post-resuscitation management
24. Identify the special precautions needed to take after resuscitating a premature baby
25. Recognize the ethical principles associated with initiation and termination of neonatal resuscitation
26. Provide end of life care to the newborn and family when resuscitation attempts are unsuccessful